Friday, August 20, 2010

Kadazan - what it really means! (part 1)

I will keep an eye over all the creatures of t...Image by isidro2007 via Flickr
The root word - daza -which is used only to refer to a Deity, for an example, "Tama Za" (Our Father referring to God the Father) is interpreted in the ordinary language of the Kadazan as "dagai". The prefix - "Ka" is a another powerful kadazan word which had multiple meanings depending on its usage and context but ordinarily, it means the spoken word as "ka disido" - according to him or simply, "he said" but repeating it completely alters its meaning, "kaka" - rumor or something of doubtful or unproven origin. It also signifies breathing out as in, "Ruach" and as in "Ruach Ha-Kodesh - Spirit of God" The suffix 'an' or just 'n' is normally added to a verb or  an adjective, together with the relevant prefix like "ka, ki, ko, etc " to make it into a noun or pronoun for example - uhi (go back) - ko-uhi-an or 'omoto-harvest' - ka-amata-n (kaamatan) (In this particular example, the verb "omoto" when made into a noun (kaamatan), the 'o' is replaced by 'a' and just 'n' , instead of 'an', is added to it)
So using this basic tool, "Ka" - according  to or spoken; "daza" or simple "dagai" - we, us or ours; and the suffix 'n' added to it makes it a noun. Literary, it means "we-spoke or our breathe" but the important element here is the adjective "daza" is used instead of "dagai" which means that God is speaking and not ordinary human beings.
Many of us who had been trained in western universities and embraced its mindsets and philosophies had limited ourselves when trying to understand eastern mindsets and its way of life especially as it relates to the spiritual and metaphysical realms. Kadazan is an eastern language though much of its culture and history had been destroyed either through neglect or invading forces in the past, one can still glean some of its traces when one prayerfully and faithfully commit oneself to seek the truth through the enlightenment brought about by the Power of the Holy Spirit or Sunduvan Tohidang and serious study of the Word of God.
Revelation knowledge, as some describes it, comes directly from two main sources, which are (a) the Spirit of God and (b) Satan and his evil spirits or counterfeit holy spirit. Only those who had been washed by the Blood of the Lamb of God and filled, empowered and led by His Spirit can have the required discernment, another topic dealt with fully by many authors and bloggers elsewhere. 
Before the arrival of the Christian missionaries, the life in the Kadazan communities revolved around the 'revelational knowledge' dispensed  through the ministry or office of the Bobohizan (Priest or Priestess) and these revelations were  more often than not from the evil spirits or counterfeit holy spirit. How do we know that? The Word of God tells us that 
the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. (Gal 5:22-26)
end of part 1.

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