Friday, August 6, 2010



The only way towards unity amongst the various tribes of the Kadazan people, and indeed amongst the various denominations in His Government, is through bended knees of continuous, prevailing and committed supplications, prayers and repentance to the ONLY ONE True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Creator and Master of the Universe, who gave to man (Kadazan) His Word and Spirit (JESUS) as the Only Way, Truth and Life to Him.

The Kadazan knows Him as Kinoingan Minamangun, a loving and self-sacrificing Father revealing Himself as the Word of God who became man (Kadazan) (Huminundun) and offer Himself as “Bohi” (korban) for the redemptions of our sins for unless and until the inner man has been completely transformed in the likeness of Jesus Christ, whatever ever we do always has a hidden agenda that only promotes the kingdom of the world (Self) and of Satan and totally opposed to the Perfect Will of the Father and His Eternal Purpose for Mankind. (Kadazan)

In another 25 days, we will be celebrating our 47 years of independence from Colonial Rule when God had said to us, (TUH)UN KO, thus the first political party ever established in Sabah was appropriately named UNKO – United National Kadazan Organization – which was given the Divine Mandate, among others, To Unveil His Unknown Nations of (His) Kingdom Overseas but sad to say that this was sabotaged as those given the tasks were ill equipped and not very well grounded in the “inner-man”.

When Donald Stevens shouted in the KK (Jesselton) town padang, “Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka” (Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!), he was holding the very “CONSTITUTION” that outlined the vision, missions, instructions, directions, strategies and operational manual to run the newly independent Nation of Sabah, having about 55 per cent who had responded to the Father’s call for being His children – Kadazans! – the good-Spirited people (Neh 9:20) It was not just freedom from Colonial rule but also from the bondage of Satan, Sins, rebellion against the Father, Deception, Poverty, Racial Prejudices and Injustices or being consigned to self curse (Proverb 23:7a) as “Dusun (Orchard), Liwan (Valley), Sungei (River), Tuawon (Herb), and so on forever, but then why was no concerted effort made to “study, research, map out and communicate what was in the CONSTITUTION    which God had given to our leaders and religious teachers, priests, catechist, bishops, pastors, professors and scientists.

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